Garden Update 15/8/12

We are moving ahead in leaps and bounds!

Last weekend saw lots of progress in the garden. Carolyn manged to secure a 6000 ltr water tank for zero dollars which is now on site awaiting installation. The garden members spilt up into groups at the last working bee and created a Tumeric garden, built the central spiral for the herb spiral, planted the first 4 fruit trees which were kindly donated by Turner’s Garden Centre, positioned and filled an aquaponics pond for a waterchestnut crop and built most of a community garden bed in the shape of a pizza slice (we are looking for a sponsor for this one). All in all a fantastic effort.

This coming weekend should see the erection of the storage shed and possibly a green house which is to be ‘acquired’ thanks to Linda Brennan of Ecobotanica.

This Sunday’s working bee kicks off at 1:00pm with a meeting at 3:00. We are in need of a few helper to dismantle and relocate the greenhouse from about 11:00 on Sunday if anyone is available please contact me at for details