September was a busy month at Rochedale Community Gardens including visits from various local organisations and continuing the upgrading of the garden facilities. Garden members were also fortunate to include 2 workshops in our busy schedule.
The first workshop was conducted on 8th September by Helen Schwencke, director of Earthling Enterprises Pty Ltd on “BUTTERFLIES AND HOST PLANTS IN YOUR GARDEN”. The workshop covered the importance of attracting butterflies to your garden to maintain pollination of the plants and also importantly to maintain the next generation of butterflies many of which are disappearing from our gardens. The plants necessary to maintain the butterflies are important additions to the gardens.
The second workshop was conducted on 15th September by Dan Willmann, director of Rocky Point Mulching on “HOW TO PREPARE YOUR GARDEN FOR SPRING PLANTING”. The phrase “preparation, preparation, preparation” was the theme which entailed what was necessary to include in the garden and how and when. The use of sugar cane mulch on growing gardens as well as fallow gardens was also highlighted.