
One of the best rewards of growing your own produce is eating and / or drinking it. Below are links to recipes which have been a big hit with garden members. As a means of fund raising samples of many of these recipes have been made available for sale at garden events. Others are simply for members (and your) personal indulgence.


Beetroot Relish (Steve)

Green Tomato Chutney (Steve)

Mulled Red Wine (Di)

Pickled Onions – Proper English Style (Steve)

Rose and French Vanilla Cookies (Wendy)

Rosella Jam (Steve)

Sweet Orange and Chilli Chutney (Steve)

Tomato Quetta #1  Includes Habanero Heat (Steve)

Tomato Quetta #2 Rich and flavoursome without any chilli (Steve)

Tuscan Bean Soup (Steve)